slow walk it, potomac two-step. a, let's have a conversation about it, let's have a conversation about something else. president says the same thing. and then nothing happens. and the news cycle changes. i think it's different this time. the american people are fed up. moms demand action, for example, is one group that is totally fed up. there were going to be rallies this saturday across the country. they're not giving up. i'm not giving up. and i think what happened, anderson, two things. one is it's been an accumulation over time. people say what's different now? we went to bed with el paso, and the first alert we got on our phones in the morning was dayton. and i think that lit a fire in the country. and when i was in dayton, we stayed a couple hours after the vigil. i had more republicans come up to me and say, congressman, get our party on line. i don't know what they're doing on this. this has got to stop. so when you start seeing republicans move like that on the ground, you know you're going to be able to -- >> just look -- just to, you know, argue the counter on that,