being for or against certainly ideals i stood for for 25 years. i think what he gets at there is right. which is people need to speak out where they can and where appropriate to say i disagree with some of the crazy show. >> right. which you've done. >> right. >> i mean it's fair to say you would say let's -- you do you agree make it known i don't condone the hate speech. >> completely. >> you have -- you're considering a primary challenge to trump, okay. are you going -- what's going to make you make a decision on that? what's going to make you decide yes? it's an impossibly giant task. that would give any person a lot of pause. it's a tug of war between head beliefs that we're not just on the issues we talk about today which are the issues of the day but on a much more foundational level we are sinking our republic. if you lack at the debt numbers and the deficit and the