this interview. let's start there. basically he's saying, you know, there was that moment that everybody on stage raised their hand in the debate for would you insure undocumented immigrants. and joe biden was not the first hand upment and his was the first hand down actually. there was a feeling of did he reluctantly join the pack. here he clarified. it sounded like for catastrophic care. he believes ensuring -- insuring people for catastrophic care, what am i going to say, i'm going to let you die, moon? >> this is something president trump said during the 2016 rate where he was talking about providing universal health care. he said, i'm not going to let people die in the streets. it seems like joe biden who said i am senator left is staking out a clear position and adding nuance to show that he's not as far left as the rest of the field. that he is basically trying to win over the trump voters by saying, listen, we're not going