all primed and raring to go? >> you betcha there, mike. going to keep you a little busy here. as soon as we get the vector in, we'd like to get a go ahead and do a p52 option 3 and then when you come on around the other side there, we'll give you some landmark tracking information on the 130. >> all right, fine. i understand. thank you. >> tranquility base houston, how is the resting standing up there? did you chance to curl up on the engine cam? >> roger. neil has rigged himself a really good hammock and he's been lying on the engine cover and i curled up on the floor. over. >> roger. copy, buzz. >> our science support room reports receiving continuous data from the passive seismic experiment placed on the lunar surface last night by the apollo 11 crew. recorded the restaurants' footsteps on the moon and will probably receive its strongest signal when the engine ignites and starts eagle into lunar