when i told people we were toing this special they were like great. and i'll talk about me. they were concerned. look, i get it. i love the people around me. my concern was being at my best for my family and friends. not faceless haters or ignorant people. i came home many years ago fl one tragedy too many. weeks of bad dreams and days with flash backs and emotional confusion. i realize over time with people telling me that it was affecting me. and my relationships in ways i thought it would pass. it was phase. i'm a jerk. some is true. finally someone told me if you had a click in your knee. go see one. true. i went to see one. they prescribed medicine. and that i had to talk through this. i had to go through a therapy process and understand where i wasn't processing things that were haunting me. it helped. a lot. maybe more than any other treatment i have ever had on my body. i made therapy part of my