his webcast. cnn business reporter oliver darcy joins me now. what does that mean that he's been sanctioned by this judge and what is the status of those lawsuits against him in. >> reporter: perhaps alex jones now regrets peddling this baseless conspiracy theer. a judge just sanctioned him in the case of the sandy hook lawsuit against him and it means that jones could no longer pursue special motions to dismiss this case moving forward. this is will move forward. around november 2020 the trial will take place and he cannot file motions to dismiss the case. what happened here is a little confusing. so bear with me. but jones went on his friday broadcast show and accused the sandy hook lawyers, the lawyers representing the sandy hook families of planting child pornography in a trove of documents that he had turned over to them as part of the discovery process in this lawsuit. now of course those lawyers denied doing so. and they said they contacted the