that's why we're democrats because we're people that have compassion within us. i'm not saying that the republicans are without compassion but sometimes they are. they're more greedy and selfish. i'm sorry. >> you have one of the, i think, sharper members of the new class of congress, congressman porter from california and she was having a take on what joe biden was trying to handle with the hyde amendment and he got a lot of people upset with this within his own party. if i didn't watch the show, here's what congressmember porter was saying about biden's handling of the hyde amendment. watch this. >> even when he talked about it, he couldn't quite get the word out. it was like health care, for women, that might involve, sort of -- i was a professor, better late than never for the student that gets it on the last day of class. >> i always counted on that kind of professor. >> she's funny. >> she's funny. she's smart and she is insistent. you always have to be ready when porter is going to come.