so many republicans up on capitol hill are free traders and don't share the president's view when it comes to punishing mexico to try to clamp down on what's happening at the border, wolf. >> jim acosta at the summit in britain, the state visit i should say in britain reporting on the latest developments. jim, thank you very much. there's more breaking news we're following on the justice department's new offer to work with the house judiciary committee on its subpoena to see more of the mueller report, but the department of justice wants something in return. it's asking for the contempt resolution against the attorney general asking that it be withdrawn. let's go to our congressional correspondent phil mattingly. what does this offer reveal about the justice department's concern over a house vote next week to hold barr in contempt? >> reporter: yeah, wolf, it underscores the justice department is not only aware that the threat of the full house voting to hold the attorney general in contempt exists but it is now as you noted scheduled, and that's important here. they are trying to offer to deal