who shall not be named, the democratic front-runner. great to see you, man. on the republican side this morning, the big question is will there be another challenger to president trump in 2020 other than former governor bill well? maryland's governor larry hogan announced he would not be one of those. there was a lot of speculation if he would run against the president in a republican primary and he's definitively said he will not. joining me now is former ohio governor and cnn braintree split call commentator governor john kasich. good to see you, governor. >> before we go, i have to tell you a good story about prince charles. my wife and i went to the bush funeral, listen, we went to the bush funeral, very cold in the cathedral, and there were a myriad of politicians that wanted to say hi. my wife is having all these people come birks and when the service ended she wanted to get out of the cathedral and into the bus so she could be warm, and i said to her on the way out, hey, look, there's -- there's brian mulroney, the former prime minister of canada, and he these with prince charles, come over.