victory in the history of our country, tremendous success, tens of millions of voters, and now somebody's going to write a report who never got a vote. we'll see what the report says. let's see if it's fair. i have no idea when it's going to be released. >> but there is a lot we do know tonight. we know that mueller has already brought criminal charges against 34 people and three companies, including half a dozen members of team trump, michael cohen, michael flynn, rick gates, paul manafort, george papadopoulos, and roger stone. we know that five people have been sentenced to prison, including manafort, and cohen and papadopoulos, plus richard pinedo and alex van der zwaan, we know that at least 16 trump associates had contacts russians during the campaign or transition. but there are still plenty of questions about team trump and russia. just listen to what happened when cbs's norah o'donnell asked