about. the payoff to cohen for the money that bought the porn star's silence about the affairs she and the president allegedly had while melania trump was home with a newborn baby or perhaps the "playboy" model catch and kill deal. so much bad behavior crammed into one single tweet. more importantly, so much water over the dam that the president could shorthand it with no one missing a beat. it is a reminder just of how deep we've gotten into what the founders of axios today called, and i'm quoting, "the biggest political scandal in american history." how far from normal we are, that we can look at a statement from the president of the united states and say oh, yeah, he's talking about the porn star payoff. axios says this scandal or constellation of scandals really surpasses even watergate and the last big scandal before watergate, the teapot dome affair during the harding administration. perspective now from former trump campaign aide michael caputo, who we should all mention is not cooperating with the congressional investigators in their latest probe. also, "usa today" columnist and