i think both parties deserve to be horse whipped over their constant refrained they're going to balance it -- >> the president is in your policy, you guys controlled congress, you passed it. >> i'm not going to push back too aggressively on this. we have to do a lot better job of restraining spending. $22 trillion in debt and those chickens are going to come home to roost. it's a mistake to say after 8 years of obama stagnation that it wasn't the right thing to do to have steep tax cuts -- >> it wasn't stagnation. you know that we pulled out of one of the deepest holes in our history in 2008 when he came up. so he got us out of that hole and the economy grew and grew and now it's continuing to grow. >> i worked for president bush and it is fair to say at the end of his presidency we had a banking collapse, a housing collapse and there's no question obama inherited a rough economy. i will tell you that, the problem is, new regulations and obamacare and all of this