soon. >> that's why these stories, they're not just talking about what the president did but also the existence of these memos, that there are things on paper they can find, and the fact that there are clearly people out there who want it known that there are memos floating around that could get into the details. we just don't know about kushner. >> these things don't fall from the sky. let me read quickly from "the times" report. trump's position in may so troubled officials that at least one, white house chief of staff at the time, john kelly, wrote a contemporaneous internal memo about how he had been ordered to give mr. kushner the top-secret clearance. the white house counsel at the time, donald f. mcgahn, also wrote an internal memo outlining the concerns that had been raised about mr. kushner -- including by the cia -- and how mr. mcgahn had recommended that he not be given a top-secret