it is a deep fondness that you have for your other koreans. and people always focus on han and i'm like -- "yeah i know, han, yes, yes, yeah it exists." it exists, no one's denying that. we all have it, but jeong. no one talks about that, and it's equally strong. >> anthony: okay. i believe you. >> nari: i don't think you believe me about this jeong thing. >> anthony: no i believe you. like, i like the whole idea of han. i totally get that as an engine. i like that, i like that dark side. the fact that this word exists is sort of awesome because a negative emotion has been converted into a number of very, very, very positive developments. >> nari: absolutely. and koreans are, you know, this amazing group of people that don't curse and eat amazing food and we like to drink and have fun. >> anthony: oh, stop sucking up. so, to the han. >> nari: we need to make a serious dent in this. >> anthony: dong jib. >> nari: you can't say that -- we're unique and we're amazing. >> anthony: that describes me. i'm not drinking this. >> nari: no, you don't have to