your words can incite violence. >> i say the same thing. there needs to be -- both sides need to put their guns down. >> has anybody called? >> no, no, i'm just trying to -- >> symone? >> both sides, go ahead. go ahead. >> i'm simply saying -- >> both sides. >> the media needs to stop referring to the president as the enemy of the people and everything the president does is not the end of the world. every action that he takes is not inciting violence. the president needs to realize that everything the media does doesn't make them the enemy. >> i would like to note that the media has never referred to the president as the enemy of the people. donald trump's rhetoric is -- >> look at the coverage. >> inflammatory. if he thinks he's taking rhetoric off the reports, that's on him not people. >> coverage is 90% -- statistically. >> negative coverage isn't calling the president -- >> it's incredibly negative coverage. >> welcome to the white house. >> no.