>> your book was delayed by the fbi. your attorney suggested they were possibly trying to silence you. is there anything the fbi censored about president trump or the fbi or russia you that think the public needs to know? >> no. the process with the fbi was extensive. we took several months to get through a manuscript that normally according to fbi policy typically takes about 30 days. i understand that the issues i talk about are particularly relevant, they're timely, they're national security issues. i think all of those things combined to make it a much more arduous process. nevertheless, i am very happy with the product that came out of that process. and glad to have the fbi seal of approval on it. >> one of the things that is not in the book which obviously has gotten a lot of attention is the conversation with rod rosenstein about the 25th amendment. this morning, you said you didn't put it in the book because you didn't want it to be a distraction. it's certainly a distraction now. if you didn't want to have it be a distraction, why bring it up at all? >> i didn't bring it up. it was both that and the comments that rod made, the