himself. and we know how he feels about recusals. ask former attorney general jeff sessions, he'll tell you. where is he now? so while the president was saying this in public -- >> it's a total witch hunt. i've been saying it for a long time. it's a witch hunt. that's all it is. witch hunt. witch hunt. witch hunt. witch hunt. so far, this thing has been a total witch hunt. and it doesn't implicate me in any way. >> so he's saying that in public and the toou"the times" reports behind closed doors, he was trying to take action to tamp down the investigation. whitaker, in his testimony before congress earlier this month, said this. >> at no time has the white house asked for nor have i provided any promises or commitments concerning the special counsel's investigation or any other investigation. excuse me. he said he never provided any promises or commitments. which leaves a whole lot of grate area for having conversations with the president.