statute, the florida statute, the new york statute, this is extortion at least by state statute. >> you do? >> i do. because you can say that any positive press at a time when you're working a contract would be something of value. i think it's going to be easy to prove the thing of value is -- >> i get that. >> that was the one piece of the extortion that wasn't there. they said if you do this, i won't do this. and by the way, that happens all across america. sexting cases. there's a precedent on this. >> and usually as part of a legal negotiation that has lawyers on both sides trying to deal with each other in a settlement. it just seems like a pretty naked attempt to do something like this with all of these people being apart of it. >> and here's the thing on the saudis real quick. it looked like to me that ami was in the money hunt and who better to hunt money from the saudis? that's why they did it. so that's why i'm saying i