depending on how though mistakes play out and what those people do, it can really cost you. i came into the transition planning with that as a huge item on the top of the list because i've experienced it. everything i've tried to tell the president, and i tell him personally and i say many this book is based upon my experience in both things that went really well for me and things that didn't go so well. >> 2020, you think another republican should get in the race? larry hogan, who's a friend of yours. >> >> yeah. >> governor of maryland, you share a lot of same political advisers. >> we do. >> he hasn't ruled it out. >> yeah, no, listen, i don't think larry doll it. it's my sense and here's why, larry's a smart politician and right now among republicans the last poll i saw that isolated republicans had the president about 81% job approval. that doesn't leave you a lot of room do anything. southern less those numbers were to change, i wouldn't see larry doing anything because he's a smart politician. he is the second republican in american his troy get reelected