but people judge you. they put you in a category. so if you look black, they're going to think you're black. >> that's not -- that's not -- here's the thing. when people say "identify," meaning, does she or one who is running a person of color, do they identify with -- as being african-american. being african-american is different than being black. you can be black and cuban. you can be black and caribbean. you can be black and dominican -- you can be black and south africa or east africa. >> but they're not different census categories. >> but the experience is different as an african-american, someone whose culture and experiences are born out of the american slave trade and out of jim crow is different than someone whose ancestors weren't and who didn't have those experiences. i think that's what people mean by that. it's not saying, i don't identify as a person of color. i think, if people ask, what is the distinction between being african-american and black. >> so all blacks and