gets left up to bill barr, the president's permanent nominee for attorney general. if he's confirmed that might be an issue that's punted for a little bit. maybe whitaker has nothing to do with it. >> there is the issue before the supreme court of this mysterious company that's owned by some foreign government not wanting to cooperate. that's unresolved. >> does it have to be resolved before mueller releases a report? >> mueller can release a report whenever he wants. presumably the fact that it's gone to the supreme court must be pretty important to mueller. >> good point. >> but i certainly don't have enough information to say that it's indispensable to his filing a report. but he obviously wants the information. >> jeffrey, jennifer, laura, thank you very much. in about an hour the nation's top intelligence and law enforcement officials will testify before a senate panel on worldwide threats. lauren fox is live on capitol hill with a preview. what do we expect? >> reporter: good morning.