nuclear deal. >> well, good morning, poppy. the real question is are we any closer right now to a permanent nominee for secretary of defense? that's not at all clear. "the new york times" reporting webb's name, and it's worth, as you just pointed out, taking a quick look at his history. he was briefly a democratic presidential candidate. he did serve as a democrat senator from the state of virginia. but in military circles, he's a decorating vietnam veteran. he's perhaps best rormed for serving as secretary of the navy under president ronald reagan, and quitting that job, stepping down, resigning in a quite adamant fashion because he could not support what the administration was doing at the time in some budget cutting and other issues. so resigning as a point of protest. sound familiar? webb may be, we don't know, frankly, if he's really going to be a serious contender. but what we do know is the