and share with us information about now how we could proceed to the next steps of helping him. >> are you clear right now as to what exactly the u.s. government state department is doing or can do to try to free your brother? >> i think we have a general sense of what they're able to do. certainly we realize they're not there to provide him with legal representation, so that's a step that we're going to be getting started for him to help to identify lawyers and so that he can select one and start to deal with the legal issues that he faces in moscow. but it also allows us to do things like provide him with money or other things so he can have resources in the jail. >> to the notion that is being put forward by russia that paul was on a, quote, spy mission when he was arrested, i'm wondering what your response to that is. i mean, to your knowledge, is your brother -- has he ever been a spy? >> no, i don't believe paul is a