i know you have talked to all kinds of intelligence on what pakistan did or didn't know at the time. but did -- i mean, the u.s. did not make pakistan aware of the raid at the time, correct? i mean, was there not a reason that they did that? >> they debated whether or not to bring pakistan in, in some way, with the intelligence. they were concerned the intelligence would leak. and don't -- if you go backward to that time, our relations -- the united states relations with pakistan have never been worse. a cia contractor had shot and killed a couple of people in a pakistani city. he was in jail for much of the planning of this operation. and, you know, relations were really not in a good place. so, there were early discussions about whether to tell the pakistanis or even to bring them into the planning and they were discounted because of correspondence of leaks. but by the way, president obama didn't tell his own wife about the operation. this was extremely tightly held. it wasn't that we didn't -- you know, the number of people who knew about this at the white house was quite limited.