dropping and rick scott's lead keeps dropping, that's not really a surprise. that's in fact what should have been expected to happen. it's not some conspiracy theory. >> couple of things, david. are we heading for a legal battle of 2000 hanging chad dimensions? >> i think it's possible. look, i think mark laid it out pretty well. you have on the one side, you have a democratic-leaning county, broward, with an elections official who's known to be slow, perhaps even incompetent. that then draws that scrutiny. on the other side you have a situation where governor scott, the republican, is part of a larger republican party that has cried wolf so many times about voter fraud in different races in different states over the last several years that it looks like crying wolf to a lot of people -- >> hold that thought. because i want to ask you. and you're going to continue on after this. the president is now alleging on twitter, david, that election fraud occurred in florida. that's what he said when he lost