way from the press for awhile because i wanted to see how it worked and can i be honest with you? it didn't work well. >> mr. president, i didn't sfsh the question. so sarah will stay on as press secretary? >> okay. please. go ahead. no. go ahead. >> get the mike. >> first off i personally think it's very good to have you here because free press and -- >> i do too. actually -- >> it's vital -- >> it's called earned media. it's worth billions. >> i have two questions for you if that's all right. it's a rare opportunity. first just a point of clarification on the tax returns issue. you brought up the audit. that doesn't prevent you from releasing them. >> i know it. i didn't say it prevented me. i said lawyers will tell you not to do it. what's your next question. >> just on -- >> more exciting than that. >> second one, michael cohen recently said you called black voters stew pit. >> that's false. >> omarosa accused you of using the "n" word and the rapper lil jon said you called him uncle