peranakan cuisine, right? are there people who cook it today? i can tell you out of 100 peranakans, maybe 1. >> anthony: whoa. >> damian: maybe one. >> anthony: so you're saying that basically, you're talking about the dinosaurs. >> damian: yeah, this no longer exists, tony. it's gone. >> anthony: one of the things i admire about singaporean food culture is that people are very passionate about food. they value a fancy french or italian meal as much as they enjoy a really good chicken rice. they're just not willing to pay for it. >> damian: exactly. you know, that's the public that we have to re-educate. but it doesn't make sense to me, because we're a first world country. you know? how could food be so cheap? how long more is this going to last that we pay $3 for chicken rice? it's insane. >> anthony: i have the solution. it's an ugly solution, it's a