this is the united states of america. this is not medieval europe. we don't have to respect the representatives of the crown. if you're an elected official and you don't like people getting mad at you in public, then you should find another job. because as ted cruz said these are people expressing their first amendment rights. and nonviolence is important, but other than that, you're not even required to be polite to these people. they work for you. if people want to get a little heated, a little angry, that doesn't bother me at all. particularly given the history of this country, even going back to founders day these guys were saying horrible things about each other. i think the civility thing is a little overblown. and as far as the president is concerned there are two modes he accepts and anything else he's going to say is illegitimate. >> don, i think the problem with this to amanda's point, look, public officials realize when