with the interviews, it's hard to believe that the president is going to go along with this line of, we have more important things to be thinking about. >> well, you're right, anderson. and i think it's also true that sarah sanders would like to draw attention to the positive things the administration is doing. but who -- what worse person could the president pick than bob woodward to get into a credibility fight with? this is a guy who's literally published millions of words of prose, going back to the early 1970s, when donald trump was telling lies about his real estate endeavors, bob woodward was telling the truth about watergate. so, this is the wrong person to pick a fight with. and it's going to go on for weeks. we now have a million people having indicated they're going to buy this book. i don't see how the president gets out of this. >> jennifer, you know, about the anonymous "new york times" op-ed, is there any national