the pressure every day to be john mccain's friend and adviser, his intellectual curiosity, inquisitiveness, drive. he made you a better person by raising your standards to his. and i hope i can maintain that as long as i can and try to do what i can to ensure that the memory of that attitude in his life and his views has a place not only in the party, in the country, but around the world. >> well, he wouldn't have picked you for the job you have right now if he wasn't proud of you. rick davis, thank you for what you're doing, and thanks for your time. >> thank you. >> more on senator mccain's passing and the military's reaction to president trump's delay in honoring him, coming up. but first, there is breaking news about hurricane maria which devastated puerto rico for nearly a year. government officials claimed the storm claimed no more than 64 lives on the island. today that number changed, dramatically. details ahead. now t-mobile has unlimited for the rest of us