the middle of deliberations. it's an unsequestered jury. and then imagine that the president, the leader of the free world, publicly calls the case unfair and a sad day for the nation, praises the defendant and leaves wide open the possibility of a pardon. i know many of us have become numb to it but there was a time when that kind of thing was considered inappropriate. try to remember that as you listen to president trump responding to the question of whether he'll pardon paul manafort from earlier today. >> i don't talk about that. i think the whole manafort trial is very sad. when you look at when's going on there. i think it's a very sad day for our country. he worked for me for a very short period of time but you know what? he happens to be a very good person. and i think it's very sad what they have done to paul manafort. >> the president's comments as the manafort jury's in the middle of deliberating. for a second day.