have a perception out there that he has an enemies' list, other than to distract from omarosa. i don't know. >> and mueller. >> and mueller. >> and manafort. thank you so much. let me get to some sound. this is what paul ryan recently said about the threat of revoking security clearances. this became a thing just earlier this summer. so here's what speaker ryan said. >> i think he's trolling people, honestly. this is something that's in the purview of the executive branch. i think some of these people have already lost their clearances. some people keep their clearances. that's something that the executive branch deals with. it's not really in our purview. >> what a profile in courage. >> david chalian, trolling, so says the house speaker. >> i guess it was trolling when it was a threat. now it seems the president took it even a step further. i thought it was interesting listening to your conversation with director clapper.