cannot guarantee that you will never hear the president of the united states use the n-word on tape? >> that last statement you made just about says it all, that here we are. we're living in a time now where the representative for the president of the united states cannot deny unequivocally, cannot say that this -- she can't say that the president didn't say the n-word, that there's not a tape out there. i can't -- when i look at the headline, i cannot believe it. when i looked at her answer, i could not believe it. and to say that what he does, what he's doing with omarosa, listen, omarosa is -- they both deserve each other. but to say that he's not using some sort of coded language when he calls her a dog, i think that's being disingenuous because he does that to so many people of color and women. and when he does it, here's the difference. he can keep his deniability by not outright calling people