activities blamed on manafort were orchestrated by gates to fund his secret life and he's had the courage to come forward to testify, say prosecutors. >> i think it was interesting, the "new york times" laid this out nicely, that judge ellis at one point got involved and seemed to pick up the defense team's line of argument here because when gates asserted mr. manafort was "very good at knowing where the money was and where it was going" judge ellis jumps in. he points out okay mr. manafort didn't know about the money you were stealing from him so he didn't watch it that closely? >> yeah, when i try cases i hate it when the judge jumps in and starts doing his own questioning. they do this frequently in federal courts. but i think a judge's job is to call balls and strikes, in other words not get involved in trying one side's case or the other so i'm surprised that ellis did that and i think it's a bad practice but i have to tell you, it happens all the time in federal trials. >> much more ahead today in just