they're -- we don't know what there is there but there is something there. i'm tired of sort of the -- you know, democratic rhetoric about this is all about collusion with russia. you know? to fix the election. we know the russians interfered with the election. we know that the trump campaign was a beneficiary of that result. >> right. >> what we don't know is the real relationship between donald trump and, you know, vladimir putin or others. >> yeah. but there were two constant conversations that were always happening and zone in on the trump tower meeting as evidence of this. they told don jr. we have dirt on hillary clinton but in the door they wanted to talk about sanctions. that is a conversation that continued throughout the campaign and even after trump was elected. the russians pushed negative information about hillary clinton and every contact that they could have with members of the trump team, there were many, i think at least 80. they wanted to talk about sanctions. >> they wanted -- i mean, the