there. there are, according to the numbers, 90 rescue workers on this right now. 13 divers. an additional five navy s.e.a.l.s. so what do you think is going through those guys' minds as they prepare for the second wave of rescues? >> you mean the divers, or -- >> yeah, the divers. >> the kids they rescue? >> the divers. >> i'm going to be honest with you. at this point, they're in the mission. so, you know, they've got laser focus. we've sent over a couple navy s.e.a.l.s. you know, they're our best and our brightest people. they're working with thai seals, t s.e.a.l.s, the cave experts from britain. when you put that talent together in the same room, the recipe is they're able to do the impossible consistently. and that's what this is about. we amassed a huge amount of talent to be successful. right now all they're worried about is the next thing on their checklist to get this next group of people out. they're not worried about anything else. they've got laser focus on the mission right now. >> jake zweig, former u.s. navy