we're going to roll that back. >> the president also slamming harvey davidson. he says they're using tariffs as an excuse. take a listen. >> harley davidson is using that as an excuse, and i don't like that because i've been very good to harley davidson. and they use it as an excuse. and i think that the people who ride harleys are not happy with them, and i wouldn't be either. mostly companies are coming back to our country. i was the one who explained to harley about a tax in india and i got it down to a much lower number, i think it was 50%. but they were paying 100% tariffs. >> the president wants to be tough on trade. but what's he getting wrong, max? >> i don't think he understands trade. his big misapprehension has he has said before, he think trade wars are good and easy to win. that's at odds with all of the