that was something that was, you know, not everybody was sure they were trusting iran, obviously. and trump was chief among those people. the u.s. certifying for a while that iran was living up to its expectations. that framework is not the kind of thing that we're seeing in north korea right now where we have thi broad statement of intention with zero specifics. so as we s to iron out the specifics, i would be shocked if kim went back home and immediately just started saying let's blow everything up while ompeo is still negotiating the details. doesn't seem that that would happen. >> mike pompeo said the "v" matters. now the "v" is all that matters. and that's difficult if not impossible. we had eight hours of quiet, bliss. the president not tweeting. he's back on twitter after this long flight. we're waiting for him to deplane. let me read the tweet from him four minutes ago. "my political representatives didn't want me to get involved