what is the real impact of that? >> so these exercises are critical for what the military calls interoperability. working together, having equipment work together as well as the people, the processes, the tactics, techniques and procedures as the military likes to describe it.sohat that means terms is if you know how to work with your counterparts, in korea, in japan, in other countries, then you know what to expect of them in a crisis situation. what would have been better instead of unilaterally saying we will stop the exercises would have been to invite the north koreans to the next series of exercises. something like that would have been a much bigger confidence builder and would have showcased the might of the united states, the might of south korea, and served as a warning to north korea that there would be consequences. >> the reasoning from the president is that it is provocative and it is expensive. in the end, when it comes to military exercises, do you see