career officials working for what was best for consumers. there's been a denial trump was involved. now rudy giuliani comes along and tells huffington post, the president denied the merger. why is he doing that? he is trying to say, michael cohen, got money from companies, but cohen didn't do anything. he wasn't able to influence the president because the president denied the merger. that contradicts everything we have been told. >> let me read what the huffington post says he said. whatever lobbying didn't reach the president offering as proof the fact that at&t proposed merger with time warner has not gone through. he did drain the swamp, the president denied the merger. they didn't get the result that they wanted. you were in that courtroom every single day. you have lived and breathed this stor story. doesn't this contradict everything we have been told? >> it contradicts everything we have heard about the merger for a long time. politics has been the elephant in the courtroom for some time.