york times" this, quote, donald goes out of his way to treat him like garbage, end quote. and now "the times" report that trump's lawyers are resigned to the strong possibility that cohen will flip. the president may be wishing he'd been just a little bit nicer to cohen. that as we have news out of the stormy daniels lawsuit in california to tell you about. lawyers for michael cohen want the case delayed, arguing that anything cohen says could be used against him in a criminal investigation in new york. the judge saying he needs to hear from cohen in his own words, if he wants to plead the fifth. we're also learning tonight that stormy daniels' former attorney is cooperating with investigators in new york. and we have breaking news that could impact a coming historic meeting between president trump and kim jong-un. pyongyang announcing a freeze on nuclear tests. a source tells cnn kim jong-un wants to open up north korea and normalize relations with other countries. but it's important to note, the north korean leader didn't say anything about giving up nukes. we're going to break down what