been very positive conversations between mike pompeo, the outgoing cia director, the secretary of state nominee with kim jong-un in pyongyang about two weeks ago. the president himself described those meetings as very excellent, very positive meetings. we don't know the substance of what happened. we do know that the north koreans now have issued a very significant statement. and let's see if they follow-up with action. but are you ready at this point, congressman, to give the president some credit for this potential breakthrough? >> well, certainly. and also, kim jong-un went to beijing. what came of that meeting? i suspect some very good things to have come out of that. so all the things are coming together, and that is good for everybody involved and certainly for the men and women in the united states military that are in harm's way in south korea. and certainly, for the koreans themselves, both north and south. this war, all of this build-up, if we can back it down, if we