talking about. i do agree with him that the president's own rhetoric on russia has been weaker than his overall administrative posture. his administration has been pretty tough on russia. look at the sanctions that just rolled out. but it's true, the president in his own rhetoric and own actions has personally not been as tough. >> that did come -- that comes from his deputies, though. even the sanctions on russia, everything negative or harsh on russia comes from his deputies. it doesn't come from the president's mouth. >> but those are really actions, undertaken by the administration. let me say one other thing about what's come out tonight. everybody's talking about, do not congratulate and, you know, but there's been recent polling, and chris knows this, that shows a significant personal of americans actually believe in the concept that there is a deep state working in the national security field to undermine this president. and within mere minutes of him having a conversation with the president of russia, what do we get? leaks to major media organizations of confidential notes. those are legal actions.