of -- >> they're both done, jack, because they weren't -- they didn't give blind loyalty to him. he publicly shamed them for it. it's not that their policies were terrible. most republicans, most people in the country agree with their policies. it was the president who didn't. >> the president did not want loyalty in his cabinet, i cannot think of one. bill clinton or -- >> someone resigned today because he was -- >> hold on. >> sorry. >> give me one that shamed so many members of his own cabinet including jeff sessions a s ans and on as this current president does. >> i can't do that. but let me say this. i don't know one that doesn't want loyalty. and stylistically, don, i agree with you. >> okay. go ahead, amanda. >> just one of the other stories that got lost in the chaos today was that an official at the immigration facility, he was being asked about the deportations happening in california and because he couldn't back up the