the president of the united states and the president makes the decision. he gets the advice and counsel from those around him. on domestic policy, international policy, foreign affairs, he makes the final decision. people voted for him for his decision-making ability and how he wants to guide this nation. he makes the best decision based on what he believes is best for the american people and american businesses and interests. >> this speaks to a problem, brianna. nobody knew what the hell he was going to say before this meeting. john kelly wasn't even in the white house at the time. they did not know. he said maybe i'm going to do it, maybe i'm not going to do it. nobody in congress knew. the people in that room didn't even know. so the decision-making process david gregory just made this point, has really broken down. we don't know where he is on guns. he has this big meeting. he hasn't said i'm going to do this. i'm going to take on the nra but then he doesn't. he walks into these tariffs.