and he attempted to explain the white house response. take a listen. >> why shouldn't women reasonably wonder if this white house doesn't have a lax attitude when it comes to the question of domestic abuse? >> i don't think we have a lax attitude. i think what you saw happen this week, major, was completely reasonable and normal. the president had -- >> reasonable and normal? >> let me explain that. the president had someone working for him who came to him and said, look, i've been accused of this, i've been falsely accused of it, please don't believe it, it's not true. if your cameraman came to you and said to you, you would probably give that person the benefit of the doubt, or at least you would want to do that, because you know that person and trust that person. that's what the president did. >> in other words, rob porter achieved the chief of staff and the president of the united states? >> i think that under the circumstances, he wasn't entirely forthcoming with him and i think the photographs took everybody by surprise. >> and what the budget director is leaving out there, though, is the long, lengthy investigation by the fbi into rob porter for the benefit of declaring him