>> here is the point. some of your republican colleagues seem to be in overdrive trying to discredit in different ways the fbi. let me just play for you what senator ron johnson said about the fbi last night on fox. >> more than bias, corruption at the highest levels of the fbi, the secret society -- we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site. there's so much smoke here, so much suspicion. >> let's stop there. a secret society, secret meetings off-site of the justice department. >> correct. >> you have an informant saying that? >> yes. >> let me repeat bret baird's questions, secret society, secret meetings off-site. do you know what senator johnson is talking about? >> i have no idea. i do believe that the men and women of the fbi are good, honorable, professional people. i'm sure there are some bad apples, but we have a process to