13th mass shooting this year. >> this calendar -- >> this year. it is january 24th. the alabama house of representatives has advanced a bill to eliminate special elections when vacancies occur in the u.s. senate. it would instead allow senators appointed by the governor to serve out entire terms. republican-backed bill passed along party lines and now moves to the state senate. >> the house member who sponsored the bill says he wants to spare taxpayers the cost. the race to replace jeff sessions did cost $11 million. house democrats say voters should have a say. clearly aware a governor in deep red alabama is likely to appoint a republican senator. this of course just weeks after democrat doug jones won a narrow victory over roy moore. former sentencing expected later today in the trial of disgraced usa gymnastics dr. larry nassar. the court resumes at 9:00 a.m. eastern with more of nassar's sexual abuse victims scheduled to deliver impact statements. so far there have been 163, including an 18-year-old who demanded an apology and got one.