doesn't know what the president wants. do you believe that's a fair criticism, that the president has not been clear enough in explaining exactly what he wants? >> yeah, i'm not going to depend people in positions -- excuse me, attack people in leadership for asking for clarity from the white house. i think, though, that the president can put that shoe on the other boot and if for clarity from the legislative branch. i hate governing by cr. it just is not the way we're supposed to do business, for the record, the house passed 12 separate budget bills. they languish in the senate. i told somebody the house moves slowly, but compared to the senate, we're the millennium falcon. we did the kessel run in four parsecs. i think leader mcconnell has the right to speak to the president, say, this is what i need from you. the president has the right to say, this is what i need from you all. i'm not going to get into the he said, she said. i think right now, one of the of the aisle is the tone.sides - and if you have anything to do with it, it's going to be