yesterday as sayre sanders was asked repeatedly does this include a wall and she kind of wandered around it a little bit. the president wants a wall. what that is different than the campaign. he has started to acknowledge that it doesn't have to be a 2,000 mile wall. it's not going to go from one border to the other border all the way through. it's going to have places where it's effective and places where it's not. that's important because the deal here when it comes to a wall is basically you agree to appropriate money. the democrats can say this is going to fences and some other type of security mechanism. the president says this is going to my wall. you have a fight about the semantics and everybody's happy and tell their bases everything is okay. a wall is something the president needs. what that is a little bit maybe smallner definition than what we saw in the campaign. >> the coverage coming out of that meeting was confusing which is why it took so long for him to respond to it. he saw the media coverage as being ruch backing off the wall.